The Ninth Conference of Central Securities Depositories (CSD9) held in the period 11-13 April 2007 in Seoul gathered representatives of all regional CSD associations. Association of Eurasian Central Securities Depositories (AECSD) was represented by NDC (Russia) Deputy Director Denis Solovyov. According to decision of the Association’s Board Mr. Solovyov made a presentation about the Association.
CSD9 was attended by the following associations:
Regional CSD associations welcomed AECSD. CSD9 delegates were informed about five CSD associations covering almost all countries with securities markets.
AECSD representative D. Solovyov participated in the Top Management Meeting which was also attended by the President of the National Depository Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan Bakhtiyar Azizov, General director of the State Central Securities Depository of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sheraly Abdujabbarov, Operations Director of the National Depository of Ukraine Yevgen Didkivskyy, President of ZAO “DCC” Mikhail Laufer.
During the meeting delegates discussed increasing need for information sharing and collaboration among CSD between the biennial general meetings. The form of interim meeting should be discussed in the future. AECSD representatives committed to discuss this issue with AECSD members in order to reach a consensus response.
AECSD representatives also promised to delegate two-three Association’s members to prepare discussion topics in advance of the interim meeting.
D. Solovyov passed the invitation of the AECSD Chairman to the members of other regional CSD groups to the 4th International AECSD Conference in Bishkek, CSD9 delegates welcomed this opportunity.